Polish National Tourism Organisation (PNTO), office in Beijing, announces an invitation to open tender in subject:
Purchase of air tickets for the realization of promotional activities of Polish National Tourist Office (PNTO) in Beijing, ie. for the purposes of organizing study and press tours as well as business trips of the Office's staff for the purpose of carrying out statutory activities during the period from the date of signing of the agreement to 31.12.2021 or until reaching estimated budget.
招标公告:在协议签署之日起至2021年12月31日期间,或达到预算金额,购买机票以实施波兰旅游局北京办事处 (PNTO)的推广活动,如组织同业和媒体考察,以及办公室员工出差开展公务活动等。
Due to current situation and longer holiday period, we are prolonging the time for submitting proposals until 12.02.2020 end of day.