Warsaw -1.1 ºC


近年来,中国赴波兰游客持续快速增加,中国已成为波兰重要的客源国。2018年,有超过15.8万名中国游客前往波兰旅行,同比增长14.5%;间夜数22.5万,增幅7%。根据 《2018年中国游客出境游大数据报告》,波兰是2018年中国游客人次增量最多的欧洲国家之一。


同时,作为波兰的国家航空公司,波兰航空作为本次活动的重要组织者之一,也将派代表出席北京和上海的路演活动 ,介绍最新的航班信息和服务。波兰航空公司近期宣布将开通北京大兴至华沙的航班。自20191028日起,北京首都机场每周三班,北京大兴机场每周四班,执飞北京至华沙的直航航线,实现全年365天直飞波兰。

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The First Polish Tourism Road Show in China Is About to Kick Off

"Move your imagination · 2019 Polish Tourism Road Show", organized by the Polish National Tourist Office in Beijing, is about to kick off with Beijing Station on September 17th in the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in China., followed by Shanghai station on September 19th in Pullman Shanghai Skyway Hotel.

China is an important market for inbound tourism to Poland. In 2018, more than 156,000 Chinese tourists traveled to Poland, while the 2018 China Outbound Tourism Big Data Report by China Tourism Academy, listed Poland as one of the European countries with the highest number of Chinese outbound tourists.

From the relaxing Baltic Sea coastline in the South, through vast green forests and fields full of flowers up to the scenic Carpathian Mountains in the north – Poland has a vast range of attractions for tourists to enjoy. Those who visit Poland for the first time are often enchanted by country’s poetic atmosphere and green scenery.

In addition to 16 attractions listed on the UNESCO Heritage List and modern cities with unique architecture, like Warsaw, Cracow and Gdansk, Poland's long history and remarkable input into world’s culture are also praised. The Nobel Prize winner Maria Sklodowska-Curie, the brilliant pianist Fryderyk Chopin and the founder of modern astronomy - Copernicus, were all born in Poland.

In recent years Polish National Tourist Office in Beijing launched a number of tourism promotion campaigns alongside cooperation with the most important industry partners on Chinese market, and actively participated in various tourism events This time, it is hoped that the cooperation with domestic travel agencies will be further promoted through road show activities, to attract more Chinese tourists know Poland and love Poland.

2019 Polish Tourism Road Show will gather over 13 local agencies, hotels and tourism bureaus from Poland on one-on-one B2B networking with over 60 representatives of well-known Chinese outbound travel agencies, to jointly explore the future development of the Polish tourism industry in China. The Road Show is partnered by LOT Polish Airlines, who in 2005 opened direct flight from Beijing to Warsaw with three flights a week, and will further develop its connections this year with four more flights from Beijing Daxing International airport, offering tourists direct flights to Poland 365 days a year. During the workshops LOT Polish Airlines will introduce latest flights and service information, supporting Chinese partners with their bookings..

We welcome you all to visit Poland and move your imagination!


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