Warsaw 5 ºC











$1·         联合国教科文组织世界遗产保护地照片展

$1·         “About Polska” 照片展

$1·         波兰琥珀艺术文化展览

$1·         共同绘制《清明上河图》


$1·         波兰旅游局

$1·         波兰驻华大使馆文化处

$1·         昆明赛巴琥珀贸易有限公司

$1·         开封清明上河园股份有限公司联合主办



本次波兰文化展,将通过波兰世界遗产保护地图片展、波兰风土人情图片展、波兰琥珀艺术展等一系列艺术品展览、图片展览、绘画活动,给参观者献上一场文化与艺术的视觉盛宴。预计在这3个节日期间将有 1 0 0万游客进入公园让他们更多地了解波兰。







“About Polska” 照片展















波兰画家(Iwona Tamborska, 珠宝艺术家)与中国画家(焦卫东中国河南省美术家协会会员,高级工艺美术师)强强联手,共同绘制一幅《清明上河图》。这将是波兰与中华传统文明的碰撞,让客人拭目以待不同地域,造就了不同风情的历史文化;不同时间,凝固了不同的艺术,这是波兰与中华传统文化的一次交流与碰撞,也是一次借波兰风情之美来拂动文化之风的艺术展示,更是波兰感受中华传统文明实力的盛会

Exhibition at a glance

Title: Polish Cultural Exhibition „Never-ending bond”

Time: from 25.01.2019 until 24.04.2019

Place: Millenium City Park in Kaifeng, China

Exhibition includes:

$1·         Polish UNESCO Heritage Site photo exhibition

$1·         Polish Culture photo exhibition

$1·         Polish Amber Art exhibition

$1·         Painting performance by two renowned artists from Poland and China


$1·         Polish National Tourist Office in Beijing

$1·         Polish Institute, Cultural Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Beijing

$1·         Seba Amber

$1·         Millenium City Park in Kaifeng

On the 25th of January, 2019 Polish National Tourist Office in Beijing in cooperation with the Polish Institute, Cultural Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Beijing, Seba Amber and Millenium City Park in Kaifeng opened the Polish cultural exhibition „Never-ending bond”, celebrating 70 years of political relations between Poland and China, as well the “One Belt One Road” initiative connecting two countries.

The event will present visitors with a better understanding of Poland through a series of art, photo and jewelry exhibitions, including the Polish UNESCO Heritage Site photo exhibition, the Polish Culture photo exhibition, the Polish Amber Art exhibition and the performance by two renowned artists: Iwona Tamborska and Jiao Weidong, of creating painting depicting cultural traits of both Poland and China.

Kaifeng during the Song Dynasty was once the most prosperous capital city in the world, and now Kaifeng is regarded as a city which "gained popularity in ancient times, and earned brilliance in modern times". This notion made it a perfect place for display of the exhibition. It is expected that around 1 million people will visit the park during the period of 3 festival months, being able to gain a deeper knowledge about the culture of Poland.

Polish UNESCO site exhibition

The exhibition features 15 UNESCO World Heritage sites from Poland. Through the beautiful country of Poland, enjoy the rich natural beauty, is a rare experience. In addition to historic cities such as the Old City of Krakow, Warsaw, Toruń and Zamość, the World Heritage list include as well milestones in architectural history: Malbork medieval castle, characteristic Wooden Churches of Southern Lesser Poland, Wrocław Centennial Hall, exquisite and elegant Polish gardens of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. The list depicts as well places that played an important role in Polish history like Wieliczka Salt Mine, Auschwitz concentration camp or Europe's biggest remaining primeval forest in Białowieża.

“About Polska” exhibition

The exhibition presents most important characteristics of Poland and Polish culture. Starting from short introduction to main cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice, Łódź, Poznań, Olsztyn, Trójmiasto, Wrocław, Lublin, Białystok, the visitors can learn as well about the natural beauty of Poland. The posters introduce Polish architecture, design, music scene, cinematography, scientific achievements, sport events and traditional food. This way Chinese public can learn about Poland from different angles.

Polish Amber Art exhibition

Amber is viewed by many as a symbol of Poland. It plays a role of Polish national jewelry, depicting the condensed beauty of time and cultural history captured in a single stone. Recovered from the depth of Baltic Sea represents wisdom of Polish people and crystallization of Polish culture. The exhibition shows some of the most famous and appreciated jewelry artists from Poland including among others: Iwona Tamborska, Jan Pomianowski, Artur Wybacz, Dariusz Ptak, Danuta Czapnik, Paulina Binek and Piotr Zarański. The exhibition leaves the visitors with a sense of magic, charm of nature and beauty of modern craftsmanship.

Painting performance by two renowned artists: Iwona Tamborska and Jiao Weidong

The two artists meet together to capture the essence of cultures of two countries: Poland and China. During a weeklong performance the visitors may observe how artistic interpretations of both artists intertwine creating a unique representation of the most important symbols of Polish-Chinese relationship. From Chopin and Confucius, through traditional dishes and flowers of both countries, to the easily recognizable architectural traits of Poland and China – everyone can find their own meaning in the 10 meter long creation.


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