Warsaw -1.1 ºC

波兰旅游局北京办事处再次参与中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)。COTTM是中国专注于出境游和B2B的专业展会,自2005年创办以来已连续成功举办十四届。本次展会中,波兰旅游局北京办事处有幸邀请四家波兰地接社联合参展,包括波兰新宇,Real Poland, Funclub 和Tarifa。来自全球70多个成熟和新兴旅游目的地的450家参展商参加了本届展会,并吸引了来自中国领先出境游运营机构的5500多位买家/业内观众前来采购/参观。波兰的展商有机会与潜在合作伙伴交流,推介自己的产品,并了解中国旅游行业的运作。鉴于本次展会的成功,本届参展的地接社已确认参加5月在上海举办的ITB China展会。

COTM 交易会还举办了多场会议、讨论环节并发布了多项旅游报告。今年, 波兰旅游局北京办事处也参加了其中一个小组讨论。我们与塞尔维亚、土耳其和澳大利亚的旅游局代表一道, 探讨了目前中国市场的旅游趋势对旅游目的地推广战略的影响。此外与会者讨论了与 KOL (关键舆论领袖) 合作推广本地区的经验, 以及他们对今年数字营销活动的计划。

随着目前中国游客对自由行兴趣的增加, 旅游局和地接社都面临着新的挑战, 通过旅游产品来接触潜在客户。从近期趋势来看, 对中国游客具体要求和需求的深入了解变得更加关键。越来越多的中国旅行社向我们的办公室咨询波兰的专业同业伙伴的联系方式。他们对旅游细分领域经营的公司感兴趣: 主题游、朝圣、地区文化节、语言类夏令营、高品质的传统美食,以及互动性强的文化体验活动…希望从中国旅游市场的巨大潜力中受益的企业家应该以长远的眼光为指导--首先是提供独特的服务, 吸引中国合作伙伴的关注, 准备中文材料, 在门户网站和社交媒体渠道上建立典型的中国市场简介, 如微信。

At the beginning of the week, the Polish National Tourist Office participated once again in China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market in Beijing. It was already the 15th edition of the event and at the same time the first fairs that we had the pleasure to host with us as many as 4 entrepreneurs from Poland - travel agencies New World, Real Poland, Funclub and Tarifa. COTTM is a B2B trade fair focused only on outbound tourism, visited annually by around 4500 representatives of Chinese travel agencies. The organizers ' survey shows that as many as 63% of visitors is interested in European destinations, which is the highest percentage of declarations. It gathers over 450 exhibitors from 70 countries wishing to increase the influx of tourists from China. Our entrepreneurs had the opportunity to talk to potential partners, present their tourist offer and gain knowledge about the functioning of the Chinese tourism industry. The success of the fair is evidenced by the fact that most of them have already declared their presence at the next industry event in May – the ITB fair in Shanghai.

The COTTM trade fair also hosts numerous conferences, tourist reports and discussion panels. This year, PNTO in Beijing also participated in one of the panels. Together with representatives of tourist organisations from Serbia, Turkey and Australia, we have wondered about the impact of current travel trends on the Chinese market on the promotion strategy of tourist destinations. Panel participants talked about their experiences in cooperation with KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) in promoting their regions as well as their plans for this year's digital marketing activities.

With the current increase of interest in individual tourism among the Chinese, both tourist organisations and local travel agencies face new challenges to reach potential customers with their tourist offer. In the view of recent trends, the in-depth market knowledge, understanding of its specific requirements and needs of Chinese tourists becomes even more crucial. Increasing number of travel agencies from China inquire our office about contacts to very specialized partners from Poland. They are interested in companies operating in the narrow field of tourism: thematic travel, pilgrimages, regional cultural festivals, language youth camps, high-standard traditional cuisine, interactive workshops teaching Chinese tourists about our culture through fun... Entrepreneurs wishing to benefit from the enormous potential of China's tourist market should be guided by the long-term perspective – starting with offering unique services that will draw the attention of Chinese partners, preparing Chinese-speaking materials, up to establishing profiles on portals and social media channels typical for the Chinese market, such as WeChat.


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