Warsaw 5 ºC

2019417日,我们有幸参加了在波兰共和国驻华大使馆举办的波兰旅游商会和中国邮政集团广告传媒公司代表会议,并得到了赛熙军(Wojciech Zajączkowski)大使的支持。会谈期间,双方在“一带一路”的倡议下,签署了两国旅游交流发展合作备忘录。







On April 17th, 2019 we had the pleasure to attend a meeting between the representatives of the Polish Chamber of Tourism and China Post Group Corporation, organized at the Embassy of Republic of Poland in Beijing with the support of Ambassador Wojciech Zajączkowski. During the meeting two sides signed memorandum of cooperation on the development of tourism exchange between the two countries, under the initiative of One Belt One Road.

The joint campaign includes designing and printing of special postcard sets for the Chinese market, depicting the most famous and unique tourist attractions of Poland. Each of the postcards will be at the same time a distinctive collection of discounts, which Chinese tourist will be able to use during their travel to Poland. Postcards will be printed in the volume of 200 000 – 300 000 sets and distributed both in postal offices across the country as well as via the China Post website.

China Post Group Corporation is a state company existing on the market for more than 120 years. Due to its extensive grid of postal offices (56 000 branches across the country) and the vast resources of affiliated establishments, it has a strong potential of reaching every year a wide audience. Previously China Post conducted with success similar campaigns among others with Malaysia and Hong Kong. Poland is the first among One Belt One Road countries, to be proposed participation in the joint project.

The signing of the memorandum was only the first step towards the implementation of the promotion campaign. Next step is recruitment of Polish entrepreneurs willing to participate in the project. The Polish Chamber of Tourism and the Polish National Tourism Organisation in Beijing both emphasizes the importance of choosing right partners, whose offer will attract the largest number of tourists from China to our country. This will be a unique set of Polish hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions and other types of tourist service providers, whose products will correspond to the requirements of the Chinese market and the interests of tourists from China. This is a unique opportunity to reach a broad group of potential consumers, presenting the most beautiful corners of Poland.

In the long term perspective, it is planned to implement a similar campaign on the Polish market, aimed at presenting China's tourist offer and encouraging Polish consumers to visit China.


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