The impressive Trinitarian Tower was once a mere gate in the building of the Jesuit College adjoining the city walls. It was in 1819 that it was reconstructed according to the design by Antonio Corazzi and began to dominate over Lublin.
The impressive Trinitarian Tower was once a mere gate in the building of the Jesuit College adjoining the city walls. It was in 1819 that it was reconstructed according to the design by Antonio Corazzi and began to dominate over Lublin. The 60 metre high tower is crowned with a finial - a brass cockerel that, as legend has it, used to warn local residents of oncoming danger and still watches over Lublin. Presently the Trinitarian Tower is the seat of the Archdiocesan Museum of Religious Art, which hosts interesting collections of sacral sculptures and art works from the Lublin Region. From atop the tower you can see a fabulous panorama of Lublin, which fully rewards the effort of climbing 207 steps leading to the viewing terrace.