Warsaw -1.1 ºC


Call for proporsals

Management of social media accounts of Polish National Tourist Organisation in Beijing on WeChat, Weibo and RED.


  1. The name (company) and the address of the Contracting authority

Polish National Tourist Organisation (PNTO), office in Beijing

8014 Chang Fu Gong Office Building; 26, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China, 100022

Website: www.bolan.travel

E-mail: bejing@bolan.travel

  1. The subject of tender:

Time frame for the realization of the campaign: 11.05.2022 – 10.05.2023

The budget along with the Contractor's remuneration: 360.000,00 CNY gross

The subject of tender is 12 month of management service of the PNTO’s social media channels, consisting of:

  • Preparation of social media marketing strategy including:
    • brief analysis of social media channels trends for optimization of published posts (frequency, best publishing days and hours, publication format, trending topics),
    • analysis of the activities of other tourism organizations in social media (content and type of publication, frequency, reach, good practices)
      Main competitors of Poland: Germany, Sweden, Portugal.
      Other competitors i.a.: Australia, New Zealand, Finland.
    • creation of 12 month long social media strategy in coordination with the general marketing strategy of the PNTO.

Strategy should focus mainly on building destination awareness, driving affection for the destination and driving more engagement and UGC by providing valuable and engaging content about Poland’s culture, travel offer, customs, history, as well as updates regarding travel restrictions to Poland. The most important promotional activities in 2022 for PNTO are: promotion of a new slogan “Poland – more than you expected” through an extraordinary campaign showing that Poland has much to offer in order to satisfy high-value travelers; promoting wellbeing tourism and Polish health resorts; promoting outdoor recreation and tourism; promotion of PNTO’s WeChat mini program; Poland with kids – promotion of the vacation with kids in Poland; promotion of Polish key-travel cities with an introduction of unique experience to stimulate in-depth travel to Poland; promotion of the series of live streamings; promote the "Pause for moment my life" travel program presenting the visit of Qi Wei and Wu Xin in Poland that should be published by the end of 2022; the "Ambassadors of Poland" campaign.
The strategy should include development of a Unique Selling Proposition for Poland in tourism industry in China. The goal is to attract high-value travelers that has experience in travel to most popular European travel destinations.
The strategy should include a goal of increasing reach of PNTO’s social media channels (annual increase of observers by at least 25% for WeChat and 5% for Weibo; increase of views of articles by at least 30% on WeChat) and increase in the engagement by 20%.

Strategy should be presented no later than 14 days after signing of the contract.


Current management of WeChat channel:

  • creation of a strategy on Wechat with a yearly content posting plan
  • creation of branded design templates for the Wechat articles with various interaction format for content to make the articles more visually attracting
  • publication of min. 4 long form articles per month of your own authorship in high quality, one post should be in a form of long graphic post and the rest should be based on the agreed brand templates (content creation based i.a. on approved strategy, information provided by PNTO and graphics provided by the PNTO and according to the strategy presented)
  • building of hashtags to create series content to drive more views of previous articles
  • coordination of PNTOs input into European Travel Commission’s WeChat mini campaign (if there will be such);
  • preparation of creative concept and execution of multichannel mini campaigns promoting PNTO’s important events (like: promotion of launching new WeChat mini program promotion of opening boarders for travel between China and Poland, promotion of receiving Best European Destination title etc);
  • interaction with followers;
  • conducting online competitions at least one per month (in line with strategy presented);
  • managing paid advertisement for the account if requested by PNTO;
  • rebuilding WeChat profile menu and systematic updating of the Menu.
  • revising the “Welcome message” on Wechat


  • Current management of Weibo channel:
    • Publication of min. 4 posts per week:
      • creation of a strategy on Weibo with a monthly content posting plan, the plan should be aligned with the yearly strategy as well as Chinese festivals and major events in China
      • publication of articles of your own authorship in line with hot topics on Weibo as well as articles originally posted on WeChat in a format tailored to the Weibo platform and articles based on the list of POIs provided by the PNTO that should be gathered into mini-campaigns
      • the content on the Weibo platform should be diverse and in high quality with adequate photos to attract attention: posting of original content, industry news, games and contents every 2nd week of the month, polls and votes, reposts of other accounts
      • rebuilding the structure of the hashtags for series content
      • reposting of third-party publications about tourism in Poland if suitable (reposted publications does not count into the number of 4 posts per week that should be of your own autorship)
      • publication of additional touristic information provided by PNTO in English that require translation into Chinese.
    • cooperation with Sina Weibo on multidestination campaigns proposed by the portal (if there will be such);
    • coordination of PNTOs input into European Travel Commission’s Weibo mini campaign (if there will be such);
    • preparation of creative concept and execution of multichannel mini campaigns promoting PNTO’s important events (like: promotion of launching new WeChat mini program promotion of opening boarders for travel between China and Poland, promotion of receiving Best European Destination title etc);
    • preparation of creative concept and execution of the campaigns in cooperation with KOLs in order to enable effective promotion to an extensive audience (at least one such cooperation should be included in the strategy plan);
    • interaction with the followers of the account and frequent interaction with popular related accounts;
    • managing paid advertisement for the account if requested by PNTO;
    • seasonally changing cover photos of the profile and taking care of visual attractiveness of the account.


  • Current management of RED channel:
    • creation of a strategy on RED with a monthly content posting plan, the plan should be aligned with the yearly strategy
    • published content should attractive and aimed towards the style of users on the platform: women, generation Z
    • published content should be of a high quality with in-depth practical information about travelling in Poland
    • build brand hashtags as well as address trending search words and hot topics inside the published content
    • publication of min. 8 articles per month of which 50% of all publications could be based on the articles posted on Wechat in a format tailored to the RED platform with information added if needed
    • published content should be created with a goal to achieve more engagement and UGC within the platform
    • interaction with users;
    • conducting online competitions at least one per month (in line with strategy presented);


  • Monitoring of activity and reporting:
    • monthly reporting of statistics regarding published posts (reach of posts, number of interactions, number of followers) to be provided by the 7th day of the following month
    • quarterly reports with more in-depth analysis of statistics, conclusions on optimization of activities and recommendations for future actions, to be provided by the 14th day of the following month
    • yearly report summarizing all activities during the time frame of the contract, to be provided together with the last quarterly report.


  1. Information on the method of communication between the Contracting authority and Contractors.

The person authorized to contact the Contractors:
Paula Gumienna - e-mail: paula.gumienna@pot.gov.pl
Daiqi Xing – e-mail: daiqi.xing@pot.gov.pl

Place and date of submission of the offer:

  • The offer should be sent via email to: gumienna@pot.gov.pl or daiqi.xing@pot.gov.pl;
  • The deadline for submitting offers is April 18th, 2022 by the end of the day;
  • The Contractor will remain bound by the offer for a period of 30 days.
  1. Evaluation criteria

Contracting authority will evaluate submitted offers on the three criterion basis:








Creative concept of the strategy



Team structure








How to make an assessment:

  • For price criterion:

lowest offer price / price of the evaluated offer x 30 pts
The Contractor will provide the offer price as gross value in RMB. The gross price must include any applicable taxes and charges.

  • For creative concept criterion



PNTO does not have any remarks to proposed strategy

PNTO has some remarks to proposed strategy

Strategy is not suitable to attract potential followers

Attractiveness of creative concept for the strategy, understood as original, well thought way to attract attention of potential readers





Strategy fully fulfills requirement

Strategy only partially fulfills requirements

Strategy does not fulfill requirements

Adjustment of the strategy to the general marketing plans of PNTO for 2022




Attractiveness of creative concept of Unique Selling Proposition for Poland in tourism industry in China




Adjustment of the strategy to the marketing goals of increasing reach and engagement of PNTO’s social media accounts – providing actual ideas that would provide the increase of the reach and engagment





In „creative concept of the strategy” criterion the offer can obtain maximum of 55 points.

  • For team structure criterion:
    if the Contractor's team dedicated to include Polish speaking team member or declares that will hire one in order to create more in-depth articles about Poland once the contract is signed, and will provide a CV of a person with Polish language skills and experience in journalism/creation of the content for social media, the offer will receive 15 points. If the Contractor's offer does not have such a member or is not willing to hire one once the Contract is signed, the offer in this criterion will receive 0 points.

The offer can obtain jointly up to 100 points. Calculation will be conducted with up to two decimal places.     The most favourable offer will be the tender offer, which receives the highest amount of points after summing all of the points from all of the criteria.

The Contracting authority reserves the right to conduct negotiations with selected Contractors on the provisions of the future agreement and the exact scope of the submitted offer.

  1. Important provisions of the Contract:
  2. The Contractor undertakes to provide services at the highest professional level, in line with the applicable law and in line with the Contracting authority's interests as well as in cooperation with the abovementioned.
  3. The Contractor is obliged to perform the Contract according to the submitted offer, description of the subject matter of the end the Contract entered into.
  4. For the conduct of the subject matter of the Contract, the Contractor shall be granted remuneration paid to bank account of the Contractor on a quarterly basis after each 3-month period of services.

The basis for payment will be the VAT invoices issued by the Contractor and approved by the Contracting authority. Payments will be made within 7 days of approval of the invoices.

  1. Contractual penalties:
  2. For any delay in the performance of any part of the subject matter of the Contract or failure to provide any services included in the offer submitted by the Contractor, the Contracting authority shall deduct from Contractors’ remuneration a contractual penalty in proportion to the total Remuneration.
  3. For the withdrawal from the Contract by either Party, for reasons attributable to the Contractor, the Contractor shall be fined by the Contracting authority a contractual penalty of 10% of the full amount of Remuneration stipulated by the Contract.
  • The right of withdrawal does not limit the right of the Contracting authority to fine the Contractor with contractual penalties.
  1. The deduction of contractual penalties by the Contracting authority from Remuneration, shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to perform the subject of the Contract.
  2. If the value of damage suffered exceeds the value of the contractual penalty, the Contractual authority may claim compensation under the general rules.
  3. The Contractor hereby consents to any deductions from the Remuneration made by the Contracting authority if any contractual penalties arise.
  • Contractual penalties may be subject to summing.


  1. Additional information:
    1. the Act of 29 January 2004 on Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1843) does not apply to the proceedings in question;
    2. notification of the offer selection does not constitute acceptance of the offer;
    3. The Contracting authority reserves the right to:
      • cancel the procedure, annul it in whole or in part at any time,
      • close the procedure without selecting the offer,
      • request more detailed information and explanations from the contractors.
    4. if the Contracting authority uses any of the rights referred to in point c), the contractors are not entitled to any claims for participation in the proceedings.



Paula Gumienna
Acting Director



邮编 100022
